I had an interesting experience at the post office today. I had to buy stamps and the clerk showed me a book of the different images I could pick from. I picked the stamp with the flag and the word Freedom printed underneath it. The clerk told me that some people in my town were offended that the word freedom was on the stamp. This confuses me, what is wrong with the word FREEDOM. I thought that is what we all wanted, I thought that is what we fought wars for, to maintain our FREEDOM.

I seem to remember that at the founding of this country the document that established the rules for running the country were expressly designed to protect our FREEDOMS. The men that wrote that document even wrote in their own words, in publications and letters, exactly what they meant in the words they used  to establish our government and the rules that are meant to protect our FREEDOMS.  

I guess we all have the right to dislike things, I just can’t get my head around disliking the word FREEDOM